Category: Slovakia

States of Change: Eastern Europeans ‘fearful for democracy’


Thirty years after the fall of the Berlin Wall, central and eastern Europeans believe that democracy, freedom of speech and the rule of law are under threat, according to a… Read more »

Renewing democracy in the age of populism


Participation without populism is one of three practical solutions to the core challenges facing democracies in the West, according to Nicolas Berggruen and Nathan Gardels, co-authors of “Renovating Democracy:  Governing… Read more »

How corruption undermines democratic institutions


Corruption undermines democratic institutions, slows economic development and contributes to governmental instability, Mirella Dummar-Frahi, Civil Society Team Leader at the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) warned the… Read more »

Tides of illiberalism ‘beginning to ebb’ in eastern Europe: Popular mobilization defends rule of law


The tides of illiberalism in central and eastern Europe are in partial retreat in the face of popular mobilization in defense of the rule of law that deserves western support…. Read more »

The spell is broken: ‘Uberisation’ or renewal for Central Europe’s civil society?


After three decades of its functioning in a democracy, civil society in Central Europe has found itself in the need of contemplating its next direction, notes analyst Oľga Gyarfášová. There are… Read more »

Advancing democracy: a comparative advantage in foreign policy


Authoritarian populist leaders may seek to undermine democratic institutions, but recent developments in Brazil, Hungary, Slovakia and Turkey provide encouragement that liberal political forces are showing some signs of life… Read more »

Illiberal toolkit entails ‘a simulacrum of democracy’


Conventional wisdom has long held that democratic consolidation is a one-way street and that democratic states, once reaching a certain level of GDP per capita, are immune to democratic breakdown…. Read more »