Credit: CSIS
What does the Kremlin’s crackdown mean for the regime and what remains of the organized domestic opposition?
CSIS expert and former Penn Kemble fellow Maria Snegovaya asks Natalia Arno of the Free Russia Foundation and Miriam Lanskoy, the National Endowment for Democracy’s Senior Director for Russia and Eurasia, on the CSIS Russian Roulette podcast.
For many years most western experts talked of Russia and China as only having constructed a convenient relationship based on little more than opposition to the unipolar order, The Henry Jackson Society observes.
Lacking in depth and beset by all manner of differences, this relationship it was asserted was a very ‘rocky affair’ whose divisions would soon be exposed by the war in Ukraine. But as the recent summit between Xi and Putin revealed, the partnership between the two countries has not only survived the war but has become stronger. Why is this so? What does it mean for the West? And can anything be done about It?
Professor Michael Cox, Founding Director of LSE IDEAS. Author of the upcoming book ‘Comrades: Xi Jinping, Putin and the Challenge to Western Liberal Order’ (Polity Books 2023).
Jonathan Fenby CBE, Former Editor, South China Morning Post, Chevalier of the French Légion d’Honneur and Ordre National du Mérite.
Dr Bob Seely MP, Member, House of Commons Foreign Affairs Select Committee, Member of Parliament for the Isle of Wight.
CHAIR: Dr Helena Ivanov, Associate Research Fellow, The Henry Jackson Society. RSVP