Thousands of Tibetans protested on the 60th anniversary of an uprising against China, as state media defended Beijing’s rule, the South China Morning Post reports. Tibetans exiled in New Delhi marched on the annual Tibetan Uprising Day, commemorating the failed 1959 revolt.
The International Tibet Network – a partner of the National Endowment for Democracy – said that “China has ridden roughshod over the human and political rights of citizens under its rule for far too long,” VOA adds. “With resistance by the Tibetan people so strong and vibrant, it’s time for a response from the international community that matches their courage and conviction.”
Hundreds of Tibetans and Taiwanese rallied in Taipei, the capital of the self-governing island democracy that China also claims as its territory, the Post reports.

Lodi Gyaltsen Gyari
Tashi Tsering, chair of the Human Rights Network for Tibet and Taiwan, recalled what he called China’s history of reneging on agreements to Tibetans and others. “We should not trust the Communist Party of China whatever it says,” he said.
Tsering said the agreement signed by the Dalai Lama included clauses vowing to preserve Tibetan culture and religion, notes RFA.
“But less than 10 years after it was signed, the Dalai Lama … was exiled to India, and we remain in exile,” he said. “We must remind Taiwan that any negotiation with the Chinese Communist Party should be informed by what happened in Tibet.”
Every year since 2008 Tibet has been closed to foreign tourists for several weeks around March, the Economist adds:
This year, because of the 60th anniversary, the ban is expected to be longer than usual. (Foreign journalists and Western diplomats are rarely allowed in.) In January Tibet’s police chief, Zhang Hongbo, said there were “many risks and hidden dangers” in this year of big anniversaries (including the 70th on October 1st of Communist China’s founding). He said that as a result, the task of maintaining stability in Tibet would be “even more serious and complicated”.

Credit: Tibet Central Admin
“Sixty years ago, the people of Tibet rose up against the Chinese government’s systemic repression and brutal attacks to defend their lives and liberty,” Speaker Nancy Pelosi said in observance of the 60th anniversary of Tibetan Uprising Day, which commemorates resistance to Chinese occupation. “Each March 10th, we remember their bravery and determined spirit of those who fought and gave their lives, and we recommit to securing the promise of human rights and religious freedom for the people of Tibet.”
“This year, we also mark 60 years since His Holiness the Dalai Lama was forced into exile in India,” she added. “Over the decades, the Dalai Lama has come to represent the spirit of resiliency of the Tibetan people, and his transcendent message of hope continues to inspire all freedom-loving people to champion the aspirations of Tibetan men, women and children, and their right to speak their language, teach their culture and practice their religion in peace.
The Board of Directors and Staff of the International Campaign for Tibet invite you to join in honoring the work of Lodi Gyaltsen Gyari: Diplomat, Activist, Friend.
Tuesday, March 12, 2019
3:30 – 4:30 pm
Capitol Visitor’s Center
HVC Room 201
First St NE
Washington, DC 20515
With remembrances from The Honorable Nancy Pelosi, The Honorable Dianne Feinstein,
Carl Gershman, The Honorable Paula Dobriansky, Richard Blum, John Ackerly, and Richard Gere.
RSVP to Please allow enough time to pass through security and be sure to bring a government issued ID.