USAID’s redesign: how do democracy, human rights, and governance (DRG) fit in?


How do democracy, human rights, and governance (DRG) fit in to the USAID’s new redesign? Brookings analyst George Ingram asks.

The DRG center would be located in the new Bureau for Development, Democracy and Innovation (DDI), but DRG issues are core to fragility, so how will they plug into the work of the R3 [Relief, Resilience, and Response] bureau?  Beyond that, they are important for U.S. leadership globally, so does their location as a center for excellent along with various other technical centers provide them the prominence and access they deserve?

“Pairing the new Bureau of Development, Democracy and Innovation with the Bureau for Policy, Resources and Performance might work better. There is natural linkage of technical expertise, program design, and innovation with policy—they need to be closely connected and should inform each other,” he suggests. RTWT

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