Category: Asia

30 years after Mongolia’s transition: Has democracy delivered?


To protect its sovereignty and independence, Mongolia has walked a geopolitical tightrope tethered by a “good neighbor” policy with Russia and China and a “third neighbor” policy with the United… Read more »

‘Potentially destabilizing’ coronavirus crisis exposes China’s governance flaws


The Chinese Communist Party’s “prestige and legitimacy are both on the line” in how they handle the coronavirus crisis, observers suggest. “Having realized just how serious this is, and how… Read more »

Taiwan ‘treads fine line’ between democracy and China


  Understanding the deep roots of Taiwan’s democracy helps to explain the resolve of contemporary Taiwanese, according to analysts Evan Dawley and Wayne Soon. Taiwan’s 2020 elections produced a landslide… Read more »

China’s Belt-and-Road push for global sway – renewed or ‘overhyped’?


As Chinese leader Xi Jinping landed in Myanmar on Friday he hoped to send a clear signal that his country is back in the driver’s seat. Having backed Myanmar, also… Read more »

Grand strategy toward China needs ‘coalition of the democratic willing’


If it is not to lose its strategic struggle with China in Asia and globally, the United States needs to present an alternative model to Beijing’s authoritarian archetype, says a… Read more »

‘Beijing’s Global Megaphone’: China waging global propaganda war


Democratic governments should wise up to — and try to thwart — China’s attempts to shape the global narrative about its actions at home and abroad, Freedom House said in… Read more »

Hong Kong ban spotlights vanishing freedoms under Beijing pressure


The ongoing protests in Hong Kong, and the Chinese government response, influenced Taiwanese voters to deliver a sharp rebuke to Beijing and President Tsai’s defense of Taiwan’s autonomy, according to… Read more »

Why Taiwan’s emphatic rebuke terrifies China


Taiwan’s voters delivered a stinging rebuke of China’s rising authoritarianism on Saturday by re-electing President Tsai Ing-wen, who vowed to preserve the island’s sovereignty in the face of Beijing’s intensifying… Read more »

China ‘taking its ideological fight abroad’: Taiwan a test for worldwide propaganda strategy


The Chinese government has undertaken a vast information influence campaign designed to support its favored candidates and sow distrust in Taiwan’s democracy, notes Rush Doshi, Director of the Brookings Institution’s China Strategy… Read more »

‘Demand for Deceit’: What drives disinformation


Russian operatives and other foreign actors are deliberately targeting U.S. troops and veterans with online disinformation amplified on a massive scale, according to a leading veterans group,  The Washington Post… Read more »