Search Results for: democratic erosion

Southeast Asia’s ’emboldened’ strongmen look to China in setback to democracy


Chinese leaders have long sought to present themselves as equals to American presidents. Xi Jinping has wanted something more: a special relationship that sets China apart, as the other great… Read more »

Is Western democracy ‘threatening suicide’?


  The decline of Europe’s center-left has allowed populists to make inroads, which is a problem for democracy, argues Sheri Berman, a professor of political science at Barnard College and… Read more »

Community of Democracies needed now more than ever


  When the Community of Democracies first gathered in Warsaw seventeen years ago, no one could be certain that the Community would continue for very long, let alone develop and… Read more »

China exploits vulnerability of open democracies


Openness, diversity and tolerance are the greatest strengths of the world’s liberal democracies. But to autocratic regimes like China, these same attributes are vulnerabilities ripe for exploitation. As reported by… Read more »

Hun Sen jettisons last shreds of Cambodia’s democracy


Hun Sen, Cambodia’s prime minister, has vowed to spend another decade in office, a day after his main opponent was charged with treason amid an escalating crackdown on dissent, The… Read more »

Venezuela’s predicament goes from bad to worse, but opposition’s ‘hope is gone’


Five months of violent antigovernment demonstrations in Venezuela have dissipated and the epicenter in Caracas, Plaza Altamira, sits eerily quiet. The barricades that opponents once set up to slow government… Read more »

Extremism-fueled strategic instability threatens Asia’s democracies


Asia’s democracies are threatened by a growing source of strategic instability at the sub-state level, as increasing religiosity and extremist ideologies gain momentum in the national consciousness of several countries in… Read more »

Crisis of confidence roiling liberal democracies?


In the wake of the recent Group of 20 summit, some commentators claimed that the chief threat to liberal democracy was not from the aggressively illiberal despots of Russia, North… Read more »

Poll shows radical Islamization challenging Indonesia’s democracy


The Christian governor of Jakarta, the Indonesian capital, lost a bitterly contested race on Wednesday that was widely seen as a test of religious and ethnic tolerance in the world’s… Read more »