Tag: Center for American Progress

How coronavirus will reshape democracy and governance


The COVID-19 pandemic is accelerating efforts among authoritarian governments as regimes tighten their grip at home while seizing the opportunity to advance their agenda abroad, argues senior policy adviser James… Read more »

‘Beyond Populism’: A way out of the quagmire?


Much has been made of the seemingly inevitable rise of authoritarian politics in Europe, but the true picture in Europe today is far more complex than what such generalizations allow,… Read more »

Americans not turning isolationist, but ……


Americans are not retreating into isolationism, but neither are they persuaded by the traditional justifications for efforts to shape the world, notes Johns Hopkins University Professor Hal Brands. For those… Read more »

A 7-step program for fighting disinformation – proactively


While foreign influence operations are not new, the convergence of three larger global trends has made them a more important and acute challenge, analysts Carolyn Kenney, Max Bergmann, and James Lamond write in… Read more »

Backsliding or renewal? Democracies must unite to survive


The United States should adopt a new foreign policy focused on defending and expanding the ranks of democracies around the world, argues Michael H Fuchs, a senior fellow at the… Read more »

Partnership in Peril: how to repel populist assault on transatlantic community


The threat of authoritarian populism will not recede unless a new generation of political leaders offers a credible agenda for improving people’s lives that is more appealing to the public… Read more »

China’s ‘sharp power’ quietly reshaping opinion and policy abroad


Australia’s Prime Minister today attacked Opposition Leader Bill Shorten for visiting a Chinese billionaire’s home to ask for donations, according to reports. Foreign interference in Australian politics has become a… Read more »

Southeast Asia’s ’emboldened’ strongmen look to China in setback to democracy


Chinese leaders have long sought to present themselves as equals to American presidents. Xi Jinping has wanted something more: a special relationship that sets China apart, as the other great… Read more »

West ‘losing the war of ideas’ against extremist ideology


After more than a decade, efforts to counter the ideology of terrorist networks by the United States and its partners have yet to accrue a tangible return on investment, according… Read more »

War by Other Means – how Russia’s ‘active measures’ weaponize information


Born in the shadowy reaches of the internet, most fake news stories prove impossible to trace to their origin. But researchers at the Atlantic Council’s Digital Forensic Research Lab excavated the… Read more »